Year: 2021

The most common form of poor customer service, according to 56% of those surveyed, was long wait times, and 70% of respondents said its harder to reach a real person now than it was during the beginning of the pandemic.

The nationwide survey results, fielded by Dynata, offer brands and retailers actionable insights as the upcoming holiday season kicks into gear amid supply chain challenges and ongoing concerns for the COVID-19 Delta variant.

More than one-in-three workers (38%) would like to see their employer require proof of vaccination before re-opening their workplace, while a similar percentage (34%) consider the behavior of their coworkers their first or second concern about on-site work.

TVSquared, the global leader in converged TV ad measurement and attribution, today released “The State of Converged TV: A Look at Global Trends & Adoption,” in conjunction with third-party research firms, Dynata and Advertiser Perceptions.

Over half of Spaniards who dressed formally for work pre-pandemic were enthusiastic about buying new clothes for an office return, a June survey by research company Dynata showed – the highest rate among 11 countries surveyed.

“Do It Yourself” (DIY) research tools can provide fast results at relatively low cost compared to full service research projects. But are they the best choice for your research needs?   DIY is a valuable tool for short, simple surveys, if the underlying sample is sound.   Examples of good uses for DIY surveys are…

In this episode, Bob and Sima cover several hot topics related to challenges within the industry around data and sampling. Thats why they need to take the time to think through the simple steps of putting questionnaires in front of people, to get the quality data they require. With user experience research, Bob has discovered…

In a marketplace increasingly defined by stringent and tightening regulations, volatile and fast-moving markets, and the longer-term financial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the stakes for investment opportunities have never been higher. Success in investing demands both the ability to identify which opportunities can drive growth and profits and then act on those opportunities. That…

Zeroth-party data of late has started to be misused in the marketplace as a catchphrase without a clear understanding of the terms original meaning and purpose.

In-Survey quality control questions are an effective way to improve data quality  A variety of questions can be used. They are not equally effective, and often do not measure the same thing  Dynata recommends using at least two of five recommended questions and only rejecting people who fail at least two questions.  There are two types of…