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A Guide to Leveraging Data and Insights at the Speed of Your Business
In a marketplace increasingly defined by stringent and tightening regulations, volatile and fast-moving markets, and the longer-term financial effects of…

Stop-Start Schooling – The New York Times
The Times, with the survey company Dynata, asked 148,400 parents nationwide how many days their school-aged children were home in…
83 Percent of Americans Worried About K-12 Public School Staff Shortages
A new national survey finds deep public concern about the K-12 public school workforce. Eighty-three percent of Americans express concerns…
School Is Back in Person, but the Five-Day School Week Often Isn’t
But even with those measures, the district still asked students to spend the first week of January at home for…
It’s Time to Synchronize Your DEI and Wellbeing Strategies
Employees' experiences in their daily life have important implications for health and wellbeing and follow them to work each day.No…
How Race and Income Relate to U.S. Adults’ Wellbeing
Black Americans in households earning under $36,000 per year are less likely to report they experienced significant worry or sadness…
74 Percent of Consumers Believe Brand Loyalty is About Feeling Understood and Valued – Not Discounts and Loyalty Perks
Conducted by Dynata, the survey of more than 1,000 U.S. consumers also finds that 65 percent of consumers profess they…