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A Guide to Leveraging Data and Insights at the Speed of Your Business
In a marketplace increasingly defined by stringent and tightening regulations, volatile and fast-moving markets, and the longer-term financial effects of…

How Has COVID-19 Changed the Way We Work?
By: Jackie Lorch Vice President of Global Knowledge Management Alongside the dramatic changes in our daily lives brought on by…
How Are We Adjusting to Our “New Normal”: Global Consumer Trends COVID-19
By: Jackie Lorch Vice President of Global Knowledge Management The COVID-19 pandemic has created drastic change in the world…
Consumer Trends COVID-19: Will life ever be the same again?
By: Pete Cape Director, Global Knowledge We all hope for a speedy exit to the current pandemic, and that perhaps…
COVID-19 Impact: Will our panels change?
By: Pete Cape Director, Global Knowledge I wrote in my first blog on March 26 on research in the time…
Marketing in the time of COVID-19: Is it okay? What do consumers think?
By: Pete Cape Director, Global Knowledge I wrote in a previous blog that, given the current pandemic, perhaps companies should…
How will people answer surveys in the time of COVID-19?
By: Pete Cape Director, Global Knowledge So following on from my previous post on the subject of Research in…